Lessons learned not going to a conference

I am spending shelter in place time ‘not going’ to #CanceledCon and I am struck again by the unhindered desire of designers desiring to help designers – at least the group that Andrew Hochradel has assembled. I’ve been teaching quite a while now and I’ve tried to retain the position that I am training my replacements. The student designers in my charge need the knowledge I have gained through my own failures and successes to fertilize their dreams for their future. At the same time they need the inspiration and encouragement of the design community that gives them the environment to flourish. Back in the day, the buzzword was networking but with social media it’s about using the technology to extend out of whatever bubble in which you currently resider to explore those out there willing to share their skills and lessons learned. There is so much to learn and precious little time to learn it.

Take advantage of quarantine and sharpen your skills! This will pass and you should come out of it better for the time spent learning.