Who would you thank?

I was asked recently “if I could thank anyone alive or deceased, who would it be and why?”

I chose Johan Gutenberg. Until relatively recently just about everything that was using for advertising was printed in a method that has Gutenberg’s press as an ancestor. Typography has his genius as its forefather. Even paper making was part of his printing development. Yes, I know. Gutenberg did not invent printing. That belongs to the Chinese centuries earlier. Yes, I know Gutenberg did not invent paper making. That also belongs to the Chinese. But Gutenberg brought a number of related disciplines together under one roof and launched an industry that still affects people’s lives every day. And what did he receive for his labors? The Nobel Peace prize? No. That was many centuries later. A monument in the town square? Not really. Although there are traces of his presence in obscure German towns. No. His business partner essentially stole the process and left the inventor penniless and alone.

I’d like to thank him for his work. I’d like to thank him for the process that eventually became the platform that makes my work necessary. I’d like to tell the man that he did good work on his drop-dead gorgeous 42-line Bible which inspires me every time I see the Cooper Square facsimile that I show my students. I’d like to tell him that his work is appreciated and referenced often as new designers explore the heritage of their profession. I’d like to say thank you but I guess I’d have to learn German to do it.

Who would you thank in the graphic design world?